Kia ora from the well-being team at NZRL!


In this month’s issue, we want to introduce you to our well-being Kaupapa around Aotearoa…Finding your Front.


The power of this statement is that it is rugby league language, technique and, most important of all, a way in which we can frame building resilience and looking after ourselves. We have been on a campaign to grow well-being across the motu by raising well-being champions and ambassadors, connecting them with sports chaplains and having our zones learn to provide well-being as often as required. We are excited about our progress but are also up for the challenge to grow and improve in this space.



You can see one of our ambassadors here and hear what well-being is to him.


If you want to see what is available to you, check out our resources and partners here.


Ali’s tips for well-being as you prep for the start of the season 


  • Make Sure you are fit to play by looking after your niggly injuries
  • Prepare yourself physically & mentally through good sleep, getting a few runs in at your training sessions before the season kicks off
  • Stay Hydrated: Invest in a water bottle if you ca
  • Check your gear, boots, mouthguard
  • Have fun & enjoy because your best is enough; enjoy being a team player & a good sport.