New Zealand Rugby Leagues Upper Central Zone chairperson, Megan Cleverley, is pleased to announce the signing of Midland Scaffolding & Rigging as a major sponsor for the Zone effective from April 1, 2020, through to March 31, 2021, with full rights to renew for a further one year term.


Midland Scaffolding is a Waikato Bay of Plenty based company headed by their Managing Director, Leonard “Chippy” Hunter.


“Having the opportunity to support the game of Rugby League in my local community has been an easy decision. The majority of my staff all support Rugby League so this also allows them to give a little bit back to the game,” said Hunter.


“After meeting with the Upper Central Zones Operations Manager, Hamana Amoamo, and hearing their vision to create opportunities for all our kids to wear a representative jersey, I didn’t hesitate to jump on board.”


Another huge positive for the Zone, Chippy is the father of well know local, national and international sporting identity, Honey Hireme Smiler.


Honey has agreed to become the Rugby League Ambassador for the Upper Central Zone which will add further benefits by providing guidance and advice to rugby league players, especially for the girls and young women, within the region who aspire to achieve at the level that Honey has.


“I have played a lot of sport within the Waikato Bay of Plenty area so to be able to join with my dad in supporting the aims of the Upper Central Zone in providing pathways for our youth, is a huge honor and a privilege for me. I look forward to working with everyone involved to make a difference in our communities”


Zone Chair Megan Cleverley is ecstatic that Midland Scaffolding & Rigging have decided to support the game.


“With Chippy and his company on board, this will enable us to offer children who would not normally get the chance to represent their whanau and region to take part in national tournaments.

And to have Honey agree to become our Ambassador is just the icing on the cake, we are very grateful to both Chippy and Honey”


“This partnership will remove part of the burden for families having to fund the travel and associated costs. We are extremely grateful to Chippy and look forward to working with him to benefit the community as a whole,” Cleverly concluded.