Pirtek’s prestigious Volunteer of the Month is given to a volunteer who displays the core values of NZRL’s Kiwi Way, which are being family first, innovative, inclusive, respectful and humble.

We are excited to announce that August’s Pirtek Volunteer of the Month is Nicole Baker-Havea.

Nicole Baker-Havea has committed herself to the Otahuhu Leopards Rugby League club for over a decade and currently sits as the junior Chairlady at the club. Nicole oversees 21 teams for the South Auckland outfit, contributing to the management of said teams and the club as a whole. The mother of seven is also actively involved with Tonga Tag20 and Hakula Tonga Rugby League.

A full-time social worker away from the game, Nicole also serves as a youth mentor in her community and is enrolled in a post-graduate degree in Mental Health and Addictions. Baker-Havea’s passion for rugby league knows no bounds; not allowing her work in the game to be limited by her busy lifestyle, the Otahuhu Chairlady finds countless hours to invest into her club and area.

Nicole is well respected in her rugby league teams, creating a plethora of avenues for tamariki to flourish in the game. 

Pirtek CEO Chris Bourke commented, “Long-standing rugby league volunteers such as Nicole Baker-Havea are critical to the foundation of this wonderful sport. Nicole has committed her time and energy into volunteering for rugby league for over ten years and deserves recognition.” 

“Nicole is completely dedicated to her family while also investing herself to supporting the people that want to play and enjoy rugby league.” 

“Not only does Nicole volunteer for the game, she does this while also being a community social worker and youth mentor. Baker-Havea is just simply a great person to have in our rugby league whanau.”

“Nicole is more than deserving to be Pirtek’s Volunteer of the month, and as her daughter, Meliame says, ‘she is my superhero without a cape.'” 

Congratulations Nicole!


Volunteers will be chosen based off how well they demonstrate our Kiwi Way values:

We are family first – stronger together.

Innovative and Courageous – punch above our weight.

We are responsible.

We are inclusive, respectful and humble.

Each winner receives $200 worth of vouchers.

#TheKiwiWay #MoreThanAGame


Pirtek Volunteer of the Month Submission Form

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