26 April 2024
Rugby league is a sport for all New Zealanders, played from the grassroots level to the international stage. The sport is ‘More Than A Game’; it is part of our country’s social fabric and has a critical role in developing young men and women in our communities.
Through the ‘More Than A Game’ philosophy NZRL aspires to transform lives and community wellbeing through rugby league.
Underpinning this philosophy is ‘The Kiwi Way’ – our organisational ethos representing the culture instilled within all those involved in rugby league.
In 2019, NZRL developed a new strategic blueprint to take it forward to 2025. ‘More Than A Game’ is central to the new strategy.
Our Goals
The Board comprises eight directors; four appointed, three elected and one permanent Director being the current Chair of Aotearoa New Zealand Māori Rugby League (ANZMRL). Of the seven appointed or elected Directors, at least three must be Independent Directors and three must be Rugby League Knowledgeable. A Board Appointments Panel, comprising one independent Sport NZ appointee, a Rugby League Knowledgeable representative appointed by the Members, the NZRL Board Chair and one NZRL Director who is both Elected and Rugby League Knowledgeable is convening this appointment process.
For more information on the organisation, please visit
This year, the Panel is seeking applicants for one Elected Director vacancy. The incumbent Elected Director will not be standing again for a second term.
All Board members need to: demonstrate governance knowledge and leadership, apply a future-focused mindset, understand confidentiality, contribute to highly functional board dynamics be able to work collaboratively within a high-trust environment and have an understanding and appreciation of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
The Board is continually seeking to appoint people who bring diversity of thought and perspective to enhance board decision-making. Accordingly, the Board encourages applications from Women, Tangata Whenua, Pasifika, Other ethnicities, Individuals with a disability, the LGBTIQ community and Provincially-based individuals.
Candidates who have the skill sets set out below and who can bring an element of diversity and strategic thinking to the current board mix will be looked upon favourably by the Appointments Panel. As a qualifying partner organisation of Sport NZ, NZRL is required to have 40% self-identified women on its board and this requirement forms a key component in the selection process.
The desirable skill set and experience the Panel is looking for in the Elected Director include:
Experience in fund-raising through commercialisation of assets and connections to business and philanthropic networks would also be an advantage.
Please note that applications for the Elected Director need to be supported by a nomination letter from a NZRL member (Zone or Affiliate) and written acceptance of that nomination by the nominee. Nomination letter templates are available if required.
Time commitment and term
As a guide, we expect an average time commitment of around two days each month per Director. Full-day board meetings are currently held bi-monthly in Auckland with the alternate month via Zoom.
We anticipate the role starting immediately after the AGM which this year is being held on Saturday 22 June 2024. Terms are four years and directors are eligible for re-appointment for one further term.
Remuneration Directors fees are set at $10,000 per annum.
All applicants should be available for interview by Zoom during the week of 13 May 2024.
To Apply
Applications incorporating a Zone/ANZMRL nomination by way of completion of a Zone/ANZMRL nomination form should be emailed to: please or apply online at Applications must be accompanied by the nominee’s full CV and his or her acceptance of the Zone/ANZMRL nomination in writing.
The closing date for applications is 5.00pm Friday 10 May 2024.