20 September 2021

In light of today’s Covid-19 announcement, Auckland will move to Alert Level 3 Tuesday, September 21 at 11.59 pm for at least two weeks. All rugby league activity remains suspended at Alert Level 3.

Aucklanders are instructed to stay home in their bubble other than for essential personal movement, and despite the level change, keep bubbles tight.

A bespoke Level 4 lockdown has been announced for those in the Mangatangi region. Anyone who has visited or lived there since September 8 has been asked to isolate and monitor symptoms. All rugby league activity in the region is suspended until further notice.

For those in Alert Level 2, gathering limits have changed to allow a maximum of 100 people.

For those OUTSIDE AUCKLAND, Alert Level 2 means rugby league activity can re-commence ONLY if clubs and facilities can abide by all of the below health requirements.

  • Rugby League activity must abide by the maximum 100 person gathering limit.
  • Physical distancing is required at all times; this is mandatory for those not participating on the field (2 metres).
  • Facemasks are mandatory for all those not participating on the field.
  • A contact tracing register must be kept at all clubs and able to be accessed quickly. QR codes need to be clearly displayed on entry and exit points.
  • All participants are required to scan in when attending or participating in a rugby league event, (i.e. training, games, tournaments) using the NZ Covid Tracer app with Bluetooth tracing turned on.
  • Participants should wash and dry their hands before and after training and playing; equipment should be sanitised and dried before and after playing. No one should be participating (or leaving home) if they show any signs of being sick, displaying symptoms of COVID-19, awaiting a test, or if required to self-isolate.

Remember to use the NZ Covid Tracer app with Bluetooth tracing turned on.

Any person feeling unwell or presenting cold, flu, or COVID-19 symptoms should immediately contact their doctor or Healthline on 0800 358 5453.

NZRL will continue to update you with the latest information, subject to government updates.

Thank you for your ongoing resilience and cooperation.