31 October 2022

2022 sees the return of the prestigious Pirtek Volunteer of the Month award, where our rugby league community gets a chance to see their hard mahi recognised across the motu. This award is gifted to a volunteer who displays the core values of NZRL’s Kiwi Way: being family first, innovative, inclusive, respectful, respectful and humble. We are excited to announce that the winner for the month of October is Grant Woodgate

Grant Woodgate has been a servant to the Hornby Rugby League Club since he donned the jersey in 1952. From there, he went on to play not just for Hornby but for Canterbury too.

Woodgate then moved into coaching, managing, trainer and strapper roles as he remained passionate about serving the Hornby club and his community. Woodgate eventually became Club President and is now a Life Member of the Club, a rugby league club he has poured his heart and soul into.

To this day, Grant never questions the calls for help or support; he serves the club where he can with a smile on his face. His selfless gift is his time; Woodgate remains at the grounds after training and games, interacting with the players or mentoring the juniors. He offers his services as a strapper or trainer, providing valuable insight where he can.

After so many years of service to Hornby Rugby League Club, Woodgate’s enthusiasm and energy never wavers. He always makes time for the club, its staff and its players and has been a pivotal part of the Panthers’ growth.He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, He tangata, He tangata!

Pirtek CEO Chris Bourke commented,  “The acknowledgment of Grant Woodgate’s commitment and importance to Hornby Rugby League Club is supported by all of the people associated with the club.”

Grant has done it all for the club, starting as a player in 1952 and still shows his dedication to the club after many years.”

“Grant’s dedication to the club and game goes beyond normal volunteering expectations, and that’s why Grant is a very worthy winner of the Pirtek Volunteer of the Month.”

Congratulations Grant!

Pirtek Volunteer of the Month Submission Form

Who is your Pirtek Volunteer of the Month?
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