Position: Director, Wellington Rugby League Zone of NZRL Location: Wellington Region.
Kō wai mātou |About us
Wellington Rugby League (WRL) is the Regional Sporting Organisation (RSO) charged with leading, developing, promoting and fostering Rugby League and modified Rugby League, such as TAG, in Wellington.
WRL has built a strong and loyal following across the Wellington region and is going through a period of positive growth in particular in our wāhine, kōtiro and rangatahi grades.
As an organisation WRL plays an important role within the community by delivering on its strategic plan, WRL continues to build on its rich history and create a sustainable future for the game.
We are looking for a person who is passionate about making a difference and enjoys working as part of a governance team on a Board. Our Strategy gives us our direction and our Values lead us.
Our vision is to: Enhance the mana and hauora of our people Our mission is to: To bring our communities together through Rugby League Our Values:
Whanaungatanga: Relationships matter Manaakitanga: We serve and look after our people Whakakaha: We never give up Whakamahi: We work hard Whakapono: We act with integrity
WRL has in place an experienced management team of three including a Chief Executive, and we are soon to appoint an Operations Manager to take our team to four. The staff of WRL are based in Pelorus Trust Sports House in Lower Hutt.
WRL is seeking to appoint three directors due to rotation and retirements, which will see the board at seven members.
Hei whakahere | What we offer Appointment term: the term is a maximum of four years with the possibility of reappointment, subject to effective performance and rotation, up to a maximum of two terms. The Constitution requires a third of the Board to retire by rotation every year.
Location: to ensure regional connection it is desirable for the director to live in the area or have a meaningful connection.
Commitment: Board meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month and they are a mix of virtual and in person meetings. It is expected that every Board member join one of the three permanent Board sub committees, and these will require a minimum commitment of 10 hours a week.
In addition, AGM and events supporting the development of the sport in the Greater Wellington region are expected.
The role is voluntary but should be considered a stepping-stone to a host of other governance opportunities. Importantly the role is an opportunity to directly influence our Rugby League communities and the positive outcomes that active recreation brings. This role requires a high commitment to the kaupapa of WRL.
He korero mōu | About you
We are looking for:
1. Proven track record in governance – as our organisation grows so too does the need for us to develop and embed effective governance practices to support our organisation not just ‘today’ but into the future. 2. Financial acumen. 3. A commitment to and understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 4. Experience in commercial matters and a strong association with potential commercial partners. 5. High Performance and Pathways experience of Sports Leadership experience. 6. Desire to build the sport in the region to meet the needs of our current and future stakeholders – a genuine ‘customer’ and ‘stakeholder’ focus. 7. Gender diversity and inclusion are a focus.
WRL would be shortlisting for interviews to be held towards the end of July 2022 with a full induction for the preferred candidates.
To apply for this role please do so at www.appointbetterboards.co.nz: https://www.appointbetterboards.co.nz/position/apt21238
For further information contact Jane Moore at New Zealand Rugby League at jane.moore@nzrl.co.nz Applications close 20 July 2022