17 February 2021
Rugby league activity in Auckland may resume as of February 18 provided the strict Level 2 requirements set in place by the New Zealand Government can be followed.
Under Level 2 restrictions, which Auckland will move to from midnight on February 17, gatherings for sport are permitted if limited to groups of 100 or less and physical distancing of two metres for those not on the field is observed.
The requirements outlined here apply to any form of rugby league activity, including trainings, games and other gatherings.
Both electronic and manual contact tracing must be available and placed prominently at the entry point to any facility (indoor and outdoor). Click here to download and learn more about the NZ Covid Tracer app.
Anybody displaying symptoms of sickness, awaiting COVID-19 test results or linked to locations of interest for recent COVID-19 cases of sickness should not participate (or leave home).
High standards of hygiene must be adhered to at any rugby league activity or training, including regular and thorough washing and drying of hands, with hand sanitiser made readily available and used at regular intervals.
If any club, team or individual is not able to comply with the requirements listed below they must not resume rugby league activity.
Click here for full Ministry of Health guidelines and advice.
NZRL is monitoring the situation closely and will continue to update you with the latest information, subject to ongoing Government updates.
Please refer to your appropriate District and Club for more specific information on upcoming competitions and fixtures.