After careful consideration and development of Return to Training Guidelines, the Auckland Rugby League will allow its clubs to return to training from Monday, August 31 provided they can adhere to the mandatory requirements in place.
This coincides with the Auckland region moving to Level 2 restrictions as of Monday, which allows for gatherings to have up to 10 people.
Teams can only return to training once they have gained approval from their club, who must have prior approval from the Auckland Rugby League.
Potential return to play details for all grades – with the exception of mini/mod (U6-U12) which have been cancelled – will be confirmed at a later date, pending further Government updates on Auckland’s restrictions.
The full list of mandatory requirements and Return to Training Guidelines can be found here and include the need for clubs to have a pre-training, during-training and post-training hygiene and contact tracing checklist on hand.
Among other restrictions, trainings must not involve contact and all participants must remain at least two metres apart at all times and in bubbles of no more than 10.
Contact tracing QR codes must be displayed at every point of entry and indoor club facilities can be open only if they meet Ministry of Health requirements.